Using the PluginΒΆ

The sphinx-gradle-plugin looks for .rst files in the folder structure provided as part of plugin configuration within your build.gradle file. The default location where the plugin will look for the files is src/site/sphinx.

The folder specified will contain the reStructured Text source files plus any additional things like themes and configuration. The Getting started gives a good introduction into the required tasks. Basically what you need is:

  • A configuration file called that defines the theme and other options

  • The documentation files in reStructured Text format.

  • Additional files such as static files (images etc.), usually in a _static subdirectory.

  • Optionally, a customized theme in a subdirectory called _theme

To apply this plugin, add the following to your build.gradle file:

plugins {
  id "kr.motd.sphinx" version "2.10.0"

// Apply the 'base' plugin, which adds the 'site' task.
// Note: You do not need to apply the 'base' plugin if you applied
//       other plugin that extends 'base', such as 'java'.
apply plugin: 'base'


You can also use the traditional buildscript approach. See for more information.

Now you can build your project web site using the site or sphinx task:

./gradlew site

This will generate the documentation in the build/site folder.

You can also specify additional configuration properties:

sphinx {
  // Change the source directory.
  sourceDirectory = "${projectDir}/alternative-src/sphinx"
  // Change the output directory.
  outputDirectory = "${project.buildDir}/alternative-site"
  // Add environment variables.
  environments = ['ENV_FOO': 'value1', 'ENV_BAR': 'value2']
  env 'ENV_BAZ', 'value3'
  // Add tags.
  tags 'tagA', 'tagB'